Friday, 22 February 2013

Online Dating: The Funny things Men say....

We've posted about Online Dating a few times before, pictures, messages, dates and the  "funny things men say...."

So here's the second batch of weird and crazy messages I get sent by men, reading them all together makes me wonder why on earth I have an online dating profile!!

Guys, if you're reading these and have sent a message similar to these, firstly STOP because your not going to get  a date!! Secondly... Thanks - They really made me laugh!!

"How much would you charge for me to buy some of your used underwear?"

I was absolutely gobsmacked by this one... I replied saying that there was no chance I'd sell my used underwear. He replied with "Really? I pay well!". I stopped replying... although I was really intrigued to know how much her would offer!!!

"Beauty with Natural."

This was all I got. Just this sentence. Don't think you can even call it a sentence really. I didn't bother to reply to this one!

"i had to just tell you your eyes are so dreamy theu are beautiful i mean it..."

Everyone loves a bit of flattery.... but grammar is also great. Capital "I" is an important lesson that you learn in primary school. Come on boys!!
"Ready for a serious relationship, willing to try something new."

WOW!! Hello Mr Full on!!! I know it's an online dating site but chill out a little bit!

"Hi/ Hello/ Hiyaz Babezzz/ Hey Sexi/ Hi Honey/ Hi there"  

Any form of the use Hello as a singular message is an immediate ignore from me. If I choose to send a message to a guy, I look at his profile and pick something out to message about. Just saying "Hi" is such a poor effort!!! 

"I'd crawl through cut glass just to smell one of your farts!"

This one made me howl. I'm sure it's supposed to be a funny/ cheesy chat up line! But mentioning "farts" straight away probably won't work well with all girls!!

"Excuse me I'm lost, I need directions."

You're not lost though are you? You are probably just sat in your bedroom... I know what you're trying to do, you are TRYING to use a cheesy chat up line. Cheesy chat up lines only work in person not online!

Guys.... Just a few tips on sending messages to girls online.
You've seen how not to do it, now here are a few tips on ways to send a good message.

1. Be yourself. Online dating is already a really weird concept, so just be yourself!
2. Don't just say "Hi" put in a bit of effort!!!
3. Don't try to be too funny.... sometimes wit and humour don't come across well typed up!
4. Don't send more than one message if you don't get a reply... "There's plenty more fish on the Internet!"

Happy online dating girls. If you get any crazy messages please do share!!!

J xx

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