Thursday, 16 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is traditionally a day feared by all single people. So this year we decided to embrace it.

We took a day away from the "Single Girl" Office, to indulge in a girly day as Best Friends.

Our day began, where everyday should, with breakfast. Coffee and croissant in hand we made our way over to the Mecca of all Jewelry stores. (Get it?!?! Breakfast @ Tiffany's.)
The only downside to shopping there, was when we stumbled without realising into the engagement ring section and had to quickly back out of the room as the loved-up couples were being handed champagne!!

While walking down Bond Street, we had to stop and watch in disbelief as men queued for the florist stall. Their foreheads clammy with sweat, anxiously checking the time before they had to be back in the office, the poor florist couldn't work fast enough the roses were quite literally flying out of the shop faster than you could say "I Love You." I mean really boys, the 14th had been advertised for at least 3 weeks, and you leave it till the last minute.

Another thing that was really making us laugh was all the single males that were about in the street, trying to make eye contact with any female in a desperate last ditched attempt to get a "Valentine". (COMING SOON: our blog all about how males struggle with certain days of the year.)

From here we continued in "Pretty Woman" fashion to the rest of the shops on Bond Street. We dreamed of orange alligator skin bags in Aspreys, and argued over whether we would buy shoes from Gina's or Jimmy Choo (we finally settled on Louboutin).

In true tragic Single Girl style we decided that the next logical step was to try on as many ball gowns as possible. So we made our way to Oxford Street, where we filled our arms with silks and sequins.

After being like Katherine Heigl in "27 dresses" (but not as glamourous) we were very hungry Single Girls.

Lunch consisted of yummy sandwiches and putting the world to rights. Once our bellies were full and universal order was restored, we headed back home with arms full of shopping, heads full of gossip and hearts full of love.

Being single on Valentine's Day doesn't have to be  hard as long as you have good friends around you!

Lots of Love, 
The Single Girls  

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