So after an absolutely perfect “Single Girls Valentines Day” (see the below blog), we moved swiftly to my flat where we started to get ready.

We headed to a well know chain of Irish bar, which was full of couples. But we didn’t mind, we were just grabbing one cheap drink and then we were out of there ready to meet our Prince Charming.
After the yummy rose wine (so yummy we tweeted about it) we grabbed a cab into town. The cab driver charmed us with his chat pulling the old “I can’t believe two lovely girls like you are single” line on us. And we left the cab feeling glam and ready to party hard with all the other single people in London.
It was at this point that our day took a nose dive, face first into the floor. We met up with a good friend ( who is not actually single but was alone for the night) and headed to one of our favourite bars.
After grabbing our first drink (cocktails all round) we quickly surveyed the bar and it was filling up nicely. It was after our second trip to the bar that we started to notice things weren’t quite right.
The man behind me started shouting “I’ll take the blame for you, I’ll take every last bit of blame for you.” I turned and asked “Who are you – Bruno Mars.” It was at this point that I smelt it, that over whelming stench of beer farts (they absolutely stink). After laughing at the fact that his fart stank, I chatted to the men (one was wearing a suit and carrying a man bag that was hand-sewn together and the other a turtle neck jumper – i think that they had a bit of a bro-mance going on!). When I joined the others, they told me it stank of farts (the smell was so bad that it had gone from the bar all the way across to our table!!)
Great Start to the night, getting farted at and not even offered a drink as a consolation!
It was after the first incident that we started to realise that all was not right within the bar, when we started to properly look around (sobering up quickly!!) we noticed just what an odd bunch of people there were in the bar.
Firstly we had the boy band rejects, about 70% of the male population in the bar looked as if not even Louis Walsh would want them in his category. There were girls who were wearing leisure yoga pants and trainers and dancing in an off beat fashion. A 4ft Guy dancing with a 7ft Girl and our favourite of the night 70's Style tuxedo wearing guy ( complete with bow tie and crazy hair) dancing in our space, like he had never danced before !! Our friend said it best 'its honestly like we have an extra from every type of film in here.'
It was literally as if a full moon had just occurred right outside the bar. Not one person was trying to make conversation, instead they were simple running around the dance floor in crab style fashion attempting to grope as many people as possible.
Needless to say the three of us escaped to the safe haven of the Golden Arches! And as we sat there with our Big Macs and Cokes we pondered the night’s craziness, with all of us declaring that it was beyond a joke!
It did however lead me to ask the question just how far in our really high (and by this time painful) heels did we have to walk to find the Prince Charming we are looking for!
I think you had more chance of finding Prince Charming in McDonalds than in a bar. I would have certainly bought both of you Big Macs as a consolation for being farted on.