Monday, 12 March 2012

Ten top tips to dress for a first date.

Girls, we all know that feeling when you can't decide what to wear, especially when it's a First Date. Well do not fret, just follow these steps to feel fabulous on that date.

1. Be yourself - wear something that you would wear. Don't try and impress him with a look that just isn't you. You'll feel uncomfortable and awkward and that really won't help.

2. Make sure your outfit means that you can keep your dignity. Sit down in your outfit before you go out so you know you won't be exposing any part of your body accidentally!

3. Choose one part of your body that you are going to have on show. If your going to have your pins out then put your boobs away. Don't show the guy everything you've got in one go.

4. Dress accordingly for the date, venue and of course the weather. Even if you look super fit, the guy really wont appreciate having to get soaking because a coat just didn't go with your outfit!

5. If you are going to wear heels. You better be able to walk in them and make them last the whole night, hobbling in pain down the street is so not sexy.

6. Make sure you dress your age! If you're not 18 don't dress like you  are, likewise if you're 18 don't dress like you are 50!

7. Make sure your make is fresh and dewy rather than big smokey eyes. At least for the first couple of dates.

8.Underwear is so important and helps structure your entire outfit. Get a good bra and if your outfit is fitted invest in some hold in knickers. They do wonders - of course there is no reason for him to see these..... ever!

9. Make sure your handbag is big enough to fit everything you need in it. Let's not try to squeeze everything into a tiny clutch. There's nothing worse than taking something out and not being able to fit it back in. However don't turn up with something that looks like an overnight holdall.

10. Don't complicate your outfit with too much jewellery! Keep it simple.

We know we said it was top 10 list but we have one extra tip free of charge.....

Just remember - You are never fully dressed without a smile!

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