Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Search for "Happy Ever After".

I'm not ashamed to admit that this week Adele has been on full blast, followed by Taylor Swift. I've eaten mountains of chocolate and been selective in who I speak to - choosing to weep in my own self pity.... The reason?
It's obvious isn't it, there's only one reason someone would listen to that many sad songs on repeat and eat that much chocolate when she is trying to be healthy and that reason is a boy!!!! 

I am a self confessed "Heart on my sleeve" sort of girl, and I've always liked that about myself. Until now, this week after a disastrous date (the less said about it the better) I have decided that wearing my heart on my sleeve is the worst thing ever. It's like being Alice in Wonderland and following the White Rabbit into the hole. Your head is telling you that this is a ridiculous idea but your heart... your heart is tugging you into the hole, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. 

You know all the right things to say when someone else is going through the same thing, but when it comes to you and your love life you do a brilliant impression of an ostrich, you bury your head in the sand so that you don't hear the advice your friends are giving you.
You just don't want to hear them utter those AWFUL, AWFUL words... "He's Just Not That Into You!” Those words rip through your romantic heart and tear all of your daydreams in two; you’d rather believe that he’s busy/ ill or missing in dating action than face the truth that he just isn’t that into you.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who knows without a doubt that my friends are right, but just can’t shake the feeling that this boy will be the one, the Prince Charming that Disney has been promising ever since I watched Sebastian and the other sea creatures surround Ariel and Eric and sing “Kiss the Girl”?

Well , this week I have been doing my best ever Ostrich impersonation, and have been refusing to listen to my friends very sensible advice (sorry friends) instead choosing to wallow in my own self pity, sit in my onesie and eat chocolate (which really does not help at all!!!)

It’s just today after waking up and reading T’s lovely post about kissing frogs that I have FINALLY come to my senses. I have the most wonderful friends and family, I have a laughter filled life that I absolutely cherish. So why dear Single Girls would I waste it looking round corners for Prince Charming, I've come to realise that a guy isn't going to change my life in the slightest, I will still have my friends and family and I will still be laughing, so why waste time searching for this happily ever after for my, when I have a Happy Present?

I've decided that for now I won’t chase that Happy Ever After, I will let it chase me....

Lots of Love J xxxxx

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