Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Let it Be London.

"She loves you yeah, yeah,yeah..." 
We've been singing this ever since leaving the Savoy Theatre on Monday night. 

Let it Be is a 2 hour extravaganza of "Beatle Mania" and we LOVED it!! Packed full of Beatles classics including "Hard days night" "Come Together" and of course "Hey Jude" its a perfect night out for all the family (especially your parents they'll love re-living their youth!) 

The Fab Four were amazing... We saw James Fox, Michael Gagliano, Phil Martin and John Brosnan and caught a bit of "Beatle Mania" ourself, as the boys sang our favourite songs to us (yes we are just pretending they sang them directly to us!!)

Catch the show at the Savoy Theatre (be warned you'll want to go out dancing afterwards) Don't miss out!!! 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

SGW: The Running Challenge.

Hello you lovely lot, 

First we have something to confess, we don't like running! There we said it. No big deal we hear you say - there are other forms of exercise. Well this is true, the only problem is we have decided to undertake a "Running Challenge"!  We know what you're thinking - that it's a stupid idea if you don't like running. The problem is we love a challenge and after watching all the people at the London Marathon we thought what better challenge than training to run a marathon. 

It's also a great way to get fit and loose a few pounds, it takes all the focus off weight loss and onto running a REALLY LONG DISTANCE. We've never run anything further than 5k so are starting early with the training to help ourselves out. 

Over the next few months we will be blogging/ instagramming/ youtubing and tweeting (we just made up way too many words we do apologise) our journey for your entertainment... Let's face it most of the videos and pictures will feature us out of breath looking bright red - glamorous runners we are not! 

We would appreciate any advice/ help or tips anyone could give us.... We are absolute Novices so advice is needed on everything from best ways to train, to blisters and things to eat to the best trainers to get! 

For now we are trying to avoid wearing lycra (why do all runners wear lycra) and try and keep some of our dignity as we huff and puff our way around London's parks! 

With Love 
SGW xxx

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Cinderella Hair.

Growing up I always had long hair, my mum was always having to be put it into French plaits to keep it off my face and was ALWAYS trying to de-tangle it for me, so when I turned 16 I got it all cut off.... and today in my 20’s I regret that choice.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVED my bob, but there is just something about being able to style your hair in a million different ways that I missed. So I started the long process of growing my hair again, it’s a reasonable length now, but I’d still like it to be longer.

 I’ve found my perfect solution while I wait for my real hair to grow. Cinderella Hair extensions! Now I know what your all thinking, hair extensions really?! But honestly they are actually perfect; they match my hair colour so well that not even my family could tell they were extensions!

They are easy to put in and comfortable to wear - trust me I’m awful at doing fiddly things so they must be easy! I’m just about getting used to wearing them and am LOVING having long hair again with thanks to Cinderella Hair!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Online Dating our favourite dates.

We were asked by “Love on the Line” for some of our best/ worst online dating stories, and after thinking about the dates we had been on with thanks to the internet, we decided they were just too good not to share with everyone! Firstly we discovered that I (J) should write this post as I have been on a lot more internet dates than T, by a lot more I mean that she's been on one and I've been on well too many!! 
We've already blogged about some of the messages we get from online dating with our posts "Funny things men say" , "Online dating a little advice for men!" and "Funny things men say 2" but have never blogged about the actual dates we went on. So here's a quick Single Girl World Low-down of my internet dates... the good and the not so good!
1. The Teacher.... Who thought that Abba sung "Staying Alive" (don't even ask how we got round to that conversation) and continued to argue his case for about 20 minutes!!
2. DJ No Banter... A DJ with NO BANTER,  I honestly didn't laugh once. Nothing worse on a first date! I then went on a second date - just in case and it was worse. THEN, about 2 months later I saw him as I was out running he was on a bike and the only thing I could think to do was to hide in a bush! Brilliant!  
3. Two dates in one day... Okay, so it's bad to do this, but I had a busy week so scheduled 2 dates for one day. It's bad to do it for the simple reason that if you really like the first date (which I did) and the second date isn't that great, you are going to be absolutely gutted that you had to leave date number one!
4. Irish Man... He turned up 20 minutes late and his opening line was "I'm meeting my mate in an hour!" I wanted to reply with "Shall we not bother?!"
5. Irish Man Number 2: Who ended the date with "Ah come on I've seen 'The Valleys' (that awful MTV programme) I know how easy Welsh girls are..." There were no words for this comment, this was definitely a time where actions spoke louder and the action involved walking away!

It's pretty safe to say that I haven't had a lot of success with Online Dating, by a lot I mean none at all. Call me old fashioned but I think I prefer meeting people off-line (almost impossible in London!)
I've learned a lot from all my dates about what I'm looking for in a man,  and always have a funny story to tell, so I see it as a win, win situation! 

Lots of Love, 

J xxx