We were asked by “Love on the Line” for some of our best/
worst online dating stories, and after thinking about the dates we had been on
with thanks to the internet, we decided they were just too good not to share
with everyone! Firstly we discovered that I (J) should write this post as I have been on a lot more internet dates than T, by a lot more I mean that she's been on one and I've been on well too many!!
1. The Teacher.... Who thought that Abba sung "Staying Alive" (don't even ask how we got round to that conversation) and continued to argue his case for about 20 minutes!!
2. DJ No Banter... A DJ with NO BANTER, I honestly didn't laugh once. Nothing worse on a first date! I then went on a second date - just in case and it was worse. THEN, about 2 months later I saw him as I was out running he was on a bike and the only thing I could think to do was to hide in a bush! Brilliant!
3. Two dates in one day... Okay, so it's bad to do this, but I had a busy week so scheduled 2 dates for one day. It's bad to do it for the simple reason that if you really like the first date (which I did) and the second date isn't that great, you are going to be absolutely gutted that you had to leave date number one!
4. Irish Man... He turned up 20 minutes late and his opening line was "I'm meeting my mate in an hour!" I wanted to reply with "Shall we not bother?!"
5. Irish Man Number 2: Who ended the date with "Ah come on I've seen 'The Valleys' (that awful MTV programme) I know how easy Welsh girls are..." There were no words for this comment, this was definitely a time where actions spoke louder and the action involved walking away!
It's pretty safe to say that I haven't had a lot of success with Online Dating, by a lot I mean none at all. Call me old fashioned but I think I prefer meeting people off-line (almost impossible in London!)
I've learned a lot from all my dates about what I'm looking for in a man, and always have a funny story to tell, so I see it as a win, win situation!
Lots of Love,
J xxx