Wednesday, 8 May 2013

SGW: The Running Challenge.

Hello you lovely lot, 

First we have something to confess, we don't like running! There we said it. No big deal we hear you say - there are other forms of exercise. Well this is true, the only problem is we have decided to undertake a "Running Challenge"!  We know what you're thinking - that it's a stupid idea if you don't like running. The problem is we love a challenge and after watching all the people at the London Marathon we thought what better challenge than training to run a marathon. 

It's also a great way to get fit and loose a few pounds, it takes all the focus off weight loss and onto running a REALLY LONG DISTANCE. We've never run anything further than 5k so are starting early with the training to help ourselves out. 

Over the next few months we will be blogging/ instagramming/ youtubing and tweeting (we just made up way too many words we do apologise) our journey for your entertainment... Let's face it most of the videos and pictures will feature us out of breath looking bright red - glamorous runners we are not! 

We would appreciate any advice/ help or tips anyone could give us.... We are absolute Novices so advice is needed on everything from best ways to train, to blisters and things to eat to the best trainers to get! 

For now we are trying to avoid wearing lycra (why do all runners wear lycra) and try and keep some of our dignity as we huff and puff our way around London's parks! 

With Love 
SGW xxx


  1. My advice is to run barefoot. All the Ethiopians did it and look at them. Also, run with a dog who will bark at anyone who dares to laugh at you.

  2. Ahhh!!! We really want a dog, not sure we'd be able to keep up with it though!! x
