So Guys we have checked out some online dating sites and whether you want to take note or not, here is some advice from Single Girl World !
First up ! The Pictures !!
Good -
1. Nice photos of you doing something you enjoy. For example your hobbies! Rock climbing, playing in your band ! Whatever it is, show her you have a life!
2. A picture of your face! Smiling ! It's that simple !
3. A photo of you looking your best! For example at a wedding! All suited and booted!
4. A photo to represent you !!
Right here come the DON'TS !
No club photos if you are completely off your face! Not attractive!
No tropical animals! This includes snakes and parrots! A picture with your dog, is perfect !
No 'just your torso shot'! It's always good to know you have a face!
No aggressive 'Eminem' lookalike's.
Don't put up 5 pictures of you and the same group of lads! How are we suppose to know which one is you.
Always put up at least one photo ! It's really unlikely a girl is going to like a profile that hasn't got a photo! It's suspicious !
That's it guys !
Step 1 Complete !
Next up - Your Tag line !
SGW xxxx
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
My Kryptonite
Most would say I'm quite a tough cookie, even recently a fortune teller suggested I be more open to love !!
Now don't get me wrong I am a loving person but when comes to relationships, in quite guarded.
Then out of nowhere, like a punch in the face, my Kryptonite arrives.
The one guy who manages to get right under my skin and knocks me for six!
Now of course, it's never smooth sailing. He most definitely isn't Prince Charming and he didn't sweep me off my feet. In fact there was absolutely nothing 'Fairytale' about this 'Romance,' not even remotely. Without my permission he managed to take over a tiny space of my heart and unfortunately a bigger part of my brain, which is so frustrating!
It's incredibly hard to not get caught up in it all and you can't help the way you feel about somebody. The worse bit about it is that he is oblivious to the whole ordeal.
It would be so much easier to be able talk about it, to at least try and make some sense of it. However he is with someone, so that's not an option nor is it fair.
So this year on Valentines Day, I've made a deal with Cupid! It doesn't have to be urgent, it doesn't have to be in the near future but it does have to be simple!
Just two people who can fall head over heels in Love! Just in the good old fashioned fairytale way and live happily ever after !
Now don't get me wrong I am a loving person but when comes to relationships, in quite guarded.
Then out of nowhere, like a punch in the face, my Kryptonite arrives.
The one guy who manages to get right under my skin and knocks me for six!
Now of course, it's never smooth sailing. He most definitely isn't Prince Charming and he didn't sweep me off my feet. In fact there was absolutely nothing 'Fairytale' about this 'Romance,' not even remotely. Without my permission he managed to take over a tiny space of my heart and unfortunately a bigger part of my brain, which is so frustrating!
It's incredibly hard to not get caught up in it all and you can't help the way you feel about somebody. The worse bit about it is that he is oblivious to the whole ordeal.
It would be so much easier to be able talk about it, to at least try and make some sense of it. However he is with someone, so that's not an option nor is it fair.
So this year on Valentines Day, I've made a deal with Cupid! It doesn't have to be urgent, it doesn't have to be in the near future but it does have to be simple!
Just two people who can fall head over heels in Love! Just in the good old fashioned fairytale way and live happily ever after !
A Big Thank You !!
Hey !!!
Just a quick message to Thank you all so much for checking out our blog over the last year !!! We did it !! Happy 1st birthday Single Girl World !! Thank you for support, here's to many more years !
SGW xxxxx
Just a quick message to Thank you all so much for checking out our blog over the last year !!! We did it !! Happy 1st birthday Single Girl World !! Thank you for support, here's to many more years !
SGW xxxxx
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Burns Night at The Grove Balham
Here at SGW we have friends from many parts of the UK and further afield, and this post is dedicated to our wonderful Scottish Friends.
We had heard about Burns night, but had never actually been to one. So this year we decided to change that!
Last night I headed to The Grove Balham with two friends(one of them is Scottish) and ate my first ever haggis! I wasn't sure how I’d feel about it but it was absolutely delicious, My Scottish friend said that it was as good as the one she got back home (Gold Star to the Chef at The Grove.)

That wasn't all the Grove had to offer... they also had a bagpipe player, who was AMAZING!!! I now want to learn how to play!
Before going to the Burn’s night I researched what Burn’s night was and what to expect (okay I say research but I really mean googled).My googling told me that I should expect to celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns with Haggis and Whiskey. The Grove didn’t disappoint I’ve already mentioned the delicious Haggis, they followed this up with Whiskey tasting with Ronnie!!
This was my favourite part of the night not only because I got to laugh at the girls as they tried and failed to drink the whiskey, but we learned all there was to know about Scotch Whiskey with thanks to Ronnie.Number one being NEVER drink the house Scotch and number two being Glenlivet is officially my favourite Whiskey!
It was our first visit to The Grove and we have already planned our next. The decor is amazing (the booth we were sat in was so beautiful) and the staff are so friendly, if you are near the Balham area I would definitely pop in, it’s the perfect place for Sunday Lunch with the family or quiet drinks with the girls... or dare I say it a First Date!
A big thank you to everyone at The Grove for a lovely Burns Night!!!
With Love from London,
J xx
p.s. For anyone that doesn’t know Robert Burns (or as the Scots would say Rabbie Burns) is a famous Scottish Poet who was born and lived in Ayrshire and you can go and visit his home whenever you want (well that’s what my Scottish Friend told me)
Thursday, 24 January 2013
St Dwynwen's Day.
Tomorrow (25th January) is St Dwynwen's day, so before the Welshies hit twitter to wish everyone a "Happy St Dwynwen's Day" I thought I'd give all you non- Welsh Folk a low-down on what the day is.
St Dwynwen is the Welsh Saint of Love... So technically St Dwynwen's day is the Welsh Valentine's Day.
As with much Welsh History the Story of St Dwynwen was passed down by word of mouth and so has an element of folktale about it.
I remember learning the story in school and then later reading a more graphic version which wasn't as pretty and romantic. I'm going to share with you the "pretty, romantic" version of my childhood.....
Dwynwen fell in love with a man named Maelon, but her father had already arranged for her to marry someone else. Dwynwen was heart broken (as you can imagine she had met the love of her life!!!!) So she begged God to help her forget Maelon (we've all been there let's face it). She fell asleep and was visited by an Angel who brought a Sweet Potion made to help Dwynwen forget all about Maelon and turn him to a block of ice!!!! Legend has it that God then granted her 3 wishes (some say she prayed for them after seeing what happened to Maelon). Her first wish was that Maelon be thawed (what a girl), her second wish was that, through her God look after all true lovers, and the third was that she never married!!
It is then said that she retreated to the solitude of Llanddwyn Island and became a hermit until she died.
So there you have it Ladies, no more sitting and pondering about what the Welsh "hashtag" trending is.... it's nothing more than a Welsh Love Story!!
From London, with Love
St Dwynwen is the Welsh Saint of Love... So technically St Dwynwen's day is the Welsh Valentine's Day.
As with much Welsh History the Story of St Dwynwen was passed down by word of mouth and so has an element of folktale about it.
I remember learning the story in school and then later reading a more graphic version which wasn't as pretty and romantic. I'm going to share with you the "pretty, romantic" version of my childhood.....
Dwynwen fell in love with a man named Maelon, but her father had already arranged for her to marry someone else. Dwynwen was heart broken (as you can imagine she had met the love of her life!!!!) So she begged God to help her forget Maelon (we've all been there let's face it). She fell asleep and was visited by an Angel who brought a Sweet Potion made to help Dwynwen forget all about Maelon and turn him to a block of ice!!!! Legend has it that God then granted her 3 wishes (some say she prayed for them after seeing what happened to Maelon). Her first wish was that Maelon be thawed (what a girl), her second wish was that, through her God look after all true lovers, and the third was that she never married!!
It is then said that she retreated to the solitude of Llanddwyn Island and became a hermit until she died.
So there you have it Ladies, no more sitting and pondering about what the Welsh "hashtag" trending is.... it's nothing more than a Welsh Love Story!!
From London, with Love
Love Story,
Single Girl World,
St Dwynwen,
The Search for "Happy Ever After".
I'm not ashamed to admit that
this week Adele has been on full blast, followed by Taylor Swift. I've eaten
mountains of chocolate and been selective in who I speak to - choosing to weep
in my own self pity.... The reason?
It's obvious isn't it, there's only one reason someone would
listen to that many sad songs on repeat and eat that much chocolate when she is
trying to be healthy and that reason is a boy!!!!
I am a self confessed "Heart on my sleeve" sort of girl,
and I've always liked that about myself. Until now, this week after a
disastrous date (the less said about it the better) I have decided that wearing
my heart on my sleeve is the worst thing ever. It's like being Alice in
Wonderland and following the White Rabbit into the hole. Your head is telling
you that this is a ridiculous idea but your heart... your heart is tugging you
into the hole, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
You know all the right things to say when someone else is going
through the same thing, but when it comes to you and your love life you do a
brilliant impression of an ostrich, you bury your head in the sand so that you
don't hear the advice your friends are giving you.
You just don't want to hear them
utter those AWFUL, AWFUL words... "He's Just Not That Into You!” Those
words rip through your romantic heart and tear all of your daydreams in two;
you’d rather believe that he’s busy/ ill or missing in dating action than face
the truth that he just isn’t that into you.
Please tell me I’m not the only
one who knows without a doubt that my friends are right, but just can’t shake
the feeling that this boy will be the one, the Prince Charming that Disney has
been promising ever since I watched Sebastian and the other sea creatures
surround Ariel and Eric and sing “Kiss the Girl”?
Well , this week I have been doing
my best ever Ostrich impersonation, and have been refusing to listen to my
friends very sensible advice (sorry friends) instead choosing to wallow in my
own self pity, sit in my onesie and eat chocolate (which really does not help
at all!!!)
It’s just today after waking up
and reading T’s lovely post about kissing frogs that I have FINALLY come to my
senses. I have the most wonderful friends and family, I have a laughter filled
life that I absolutely cherish. So why dear Single Girls would I waste it
looking round corners for Prince Charming, I've come to realise that a guy isn't going to change my life in the slightest, I will still have my friends and
family and I will still be laughing, so why waste time searching for this
happily ever after for my, when I have a Happy Present?
I've decided that for now I won’t
chase that Happy Ever After, I will let it chase me....
Lots of Love J xxxxx
Ktcollection Jewerly !
Ktcollection is a beautiful jewelry line designed by Katie Thompson. On thanksgiving 2012 I popped into the shop on my way back from the Macy's Parade. Firstly, I was so glad to find a Girly shop open on such a big holiday as I still needed to purchase some gifts !
I was greeted as I entered the store and with help find exactly the pair of earrings I was looking for! They were a great price as well!
With such a warm greeting and superb customer service I would definitely recommend checking out the store!
They had beautiful earrings, necklaces and bracelets with a huge range of designs, so many to choose from.
It's so important to support independent companies who show great artist flair and fabulous customer service !!
Check out the store at-
315 Columbus Avenue at 75th St NYC10023
Also check out the website for more information-
Also why not follow on twitter-
Wishing everyone at ktcollection a fabulous and successful 2013!
Single Girl World xx
I was greeted as I entered the store and with help find exactly the pair of earrings I was looking for! They were a great price as well!
With such a warm greeting and superb customer service I would definitely recommend checking out the store!
They had beautiful earrings, necklaces and bracelets with a huge range of designs, so many to choose from.
It's so important to support independent companies who show great artist flair and fabulous customer service !!
Check out the store at-
315 Columbus Avenue at 75th St NYC10023
Also check out the website for more information-
Also why not follow on twitter-
Wishing everyone at ktcollection a fabulous and successful 2013!
Single Girl World xx
You have to kiss a few frogs......
We all know the saying ' you have to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince', and unfortunately it's true !! Prince Charming does not turn up unexpected! Unexpected means 'not looking' and let's be honest you might not want to date but you always have an eye on the prize!
It's interesting what you learn from these 'frogs'. The most obvious being all the things you don't want from a relationship ! However these guys, who sometimes you wish you never met at all, help you refine the finer details of what you are looking for in a man !!
So if you have recently found yourself kissing a frog who's let you down or treated you bad ! Switch lilypads!!
Leave him be ! Just remember you are a step closer to finding your Prince Charming!
SGW xx
It's interesting what you learn from these 'frogs'. The most obvious being all the things you don't want from a relationship ! However these guys, who sometimes you wish you never met at all, help you refine the finer details of what you are looking for in a man !!
So if you have recently found yourself kissing a frog who's let you down or treated you bad ! Switch lilypads!!
Leave him be ! Just remember you are a step closer to finding your Prince Charming!
SGW xx
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Best Wedding Speech Ever?
I'm sure you have already seen this, but I thought I'd share it anyway. This is a video of Tom from McFly (if you loved him before you'll love him even more now) doing his Wedding Speech.
He has truly taken Wedding Speeches to a whole new level, and I don't think any speech I see is going to compare to this in a long while!!
Enjoy Ladies!!!
He has truly taken Wedding Speeches to a whole new level, and I don't think any speech I see is going to compare to this in a long while!!
Enjoy Ladies!!!
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
New Year, New You !!!
So 2013 has arrived, lets raise a glass to a New year and a new you!
Everyone always makes resolutions that they don't keep to! Always with good intentions and we just don't stick to them because life happens and change is hard.
Well, here's our advice :
In 2013 you should
1. Take care of your body! No fad diets, just balance the Chocolate with a Zumba class. Eat fruit and Vegetables and get fresh air ! Your health is the most important thing !
2. Share and make more friends! Treat people kindly and look after those close to you! Be loyal and good hearted!
3. Smile and laugh! Don't take everything to heart ! Really enjoy the good times with family and friends! This will balance out the bad times !!
4. Buy a camera and carry it with you ! Take snaps of things to remember and your experiences so you can look back on them in years to come.
5. Always do things that scare you a little. Try new things and don't let life pass you by !
6. Lastly, improve from your mistakes and learn lessons from them.
These are the ones we are going to follow this year because they are important to us ! Try new year resolutions that you can maintain and achieve !
Just be Happy and make 2013 YOUR Year!
Happy New Year !
Lot of Love
Single Girl World xx
Everyone always makes resolutions that they don't keep to! Always with good intentions and we just don't stick to them because life happens and change is hard.
Well, here's our advice :
In 2013 you should
1. Take care of your body! No fad diets, just balance the Chocolate with a Zumba class. Eat fruit and Vegetables and get fresh air ! Your health is the most important thing !
2. Share and make more friends! Treat people kindly and look after those close to you! Be loyal and good hearted!
3. Smile and laugh! Don't take everything to heart ! Really enjoy the good times with family and friends! This will balance out the bad times !!
4. Buy a camera and carry it with you ! Take snaps of things to remember and your experiences so you can look back on them in years to come.
5. Always do things that scare you a little. Try new things and don't let life pass you by !
6. Lastly, improve from your mistakes and learn lessons from them.
These are the ones we are going to follow this year because they are important to us ! Try new year resolutions that you can maintain and achieve !
Just be Happy and make 2013 YOUR Year!
Happy New Year !
Lot of Love
Single Girl World xx
Thursday, 3 January 2013
The Houndogs....
Hello Girls.....
Over the Christmas season I visited the Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park (I blogged about it too if you missed out on the fun!) While there I was lucky enough to catch an amazing band "The Houndogs".
The Boys had the whole audience tapping their toes and dancing along to some classic songs, my favourite was their cover of "Tainted Love" and of course "Hound Dog" (WE LOVE ELVIS AT SGW!!!)
Take a peek at some of my pics from the night.... They don't really do the boys justice as they play with flaming cymbals and stand on their double bass! We were literally in awe of them as they played (we are both trying to learn guitar so were ultra jealous of their skills!!)
If you are looking for a band to rock your party then these are the boys you need!!!!!

Three Handsome men, who sing and play rocking music ..... whats not to love - even your Nan would like them!!!!
Lots of Love SGW!
The Boys had the whole audience tapping their toes and dancing along to some classic songs, my favourite was their cover of "Tainted Love" and of course "Hound Dog" (WE LOVE ELVIS AT SGW!!!)
Take a peek at some of my pics from the night.... They don't really do the boys justice as they play with flaming cymbals and stand on their double bass! We were literally in awe of them as they played (we are both trying to learn guitar so were ultra jealous of their skills!!)
If you are looking for a band to rock your party then these are the boys you need!!!!!
Three Handsome men, who sing and play rocking music ..... whats not to love - even your Nan would like them!!!!
Lots of Love SGW!
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