Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Race day dilemmas.

I've never been very good at choosing what to wear. 
Back in school if there was a "non school uniform day" I'd always be filled with dread thinking about what to pick as an outfit. 

So when my old school friends invited me to Ladies Day at Chepstow Races, I was obviously excited to spend time with them but immediately my thoughts turned to what to wear! 

Now I know the specifications are not as strict as Ascot, but looking good is a matter of pride!! Well, pride and the fact that there is a £1,000 prize for the winner!! 

With thanks to the running challenge we have going at SGW, I am currently slimmer than I have been in a long while, also thanks to attending one too many parties I have ZERO budget!! So I've resorted to raiding my wardrobe. I've chosen my favourite Red dress, and teamed it with and old pair of wedges. So far zero cost! 

I then hit the shops and bought a fascinator from M&S and a bag from Accessorise  (which was damaged so on sale for a fiver!) All in all my outfit cost a grand total of £14.50!! I'm not saying I will win the best dressed but if I do that's pure profit! And you can buy a LOT of cocktails for a GRAND!! 

Will let you know how the day goes!! I'm mostly excited about the Take That tribute band!!! 

Lots of love 
J xx 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Let it Be London.

"She loves you yeah, yeah,yeah..." 
We've been singing this ever since leaving the Savoy Theatre on Monday night. 

Let it Be is a 2 hour extravaganza of "Beatle Mania" and we LOVED it!! Packed full of Beatles classics including "Hard days night" "Come Together" and of course "Hey Jude" its a perfect night out for all the family (especially your parents they'll love re-living their youth!) 

The Fab Four were amazing... We saw James Fox, Michael Gagliano, Phil Martin and John Brosnan and caught a bit of "Beatle Mania" ourself, as the boys sang our favourite songs to us (yes we are just pretending they sang them directly to us!!)

Catch the show at the Savoy Theatre (be warned you'll want to go out dancing afterwards) Don't miss out!!! 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

SGW: The Running Challenge.

Hello you lovely lot, 

First we have something to confess, we don't like running! There we said it. No big deal we hear you say - there are other forms of exercise. Well this is true, the only problem is we have decided to undertake a "Running Challenge"!  We know what you're thinking - that it's a stupid idea if you don't like running. The problem is we love a challenge and after watching all the people at the London Marathon we thought what better challenge than training to run a marathon. 

It's also a great way to get fit and loose a few pounds, it takes all the focus off weight loss and onto running a REALLY LONG DISTANCE. We've never run anything further than 5k so are starting early with the training to help ourselves out. 

Over the next few months we will be blogging/ instagramming/ youtubing and tweeting (we just made up way too many words we do apologise) our journey for your entertainment... Let's face it most of the videos and pictures will feature us out of breath looking bright red - glamorous runners we are not! 

We would appreciate any advice/ help or tips anyone could give us.... We are absolute Novices so advice is needed on everything from best ways to train, to blisters and things to eat to the best trainers to get! 

For now we are trying to avoid wearing lycra (why do all runners wear lycra) and try and keep some of our dignity as we huff and puff our way around London's parks! 

With Love 
SGW xxx

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Cinderella Hair.

Growing up I always had long hair, my mum was always having to be put it into French plaits to keep it off my face and was ALWAYS trying to de-tangle it for me, so when I turned 16 I got it all cut off.... and today in my 20’s I regret that choice.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVED my bob, but there is just something about being able to style your hair in a million different ways that I missed. So I started the long process of growing my hair again, it’s a reasonable length now, but I’d still like it to be longer.

 I’ve found my perfect solution while I wait for my real hair to grow. Cinderella Hair extensions! Now I know what your all thinking, hair extensions really?! But honestly they are actually perfect; they match my hair colour so well that not even my family could tell they were extensions!

They are easy to put in and comfortable to wear - trust me I’m awful at doing fiddly things so they must be easy! I’m just about getting used to wearing them and am LOVING having long hair again with thanks to Cinderella Hair!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Online Dating our favourite dates.

We were asked by “Love on the Line” for some of our best/ worst online dating stories, and after thinking about the dates we had been on with thanks to the internet, we decided they were just too good not to share with everyone! Firstly we discovered that I (J) should write this post as I have been on a lot more internet dates than T, by a lot more I mean that she's been on one and I've been on well too many!! 
We've already blogged about some of the messages we get from online dating with our posts "Funny things men say" , "Online dating a little advice for men!" and "Funny things men say 2" but have never blogged about the actual dates we went on. So here's a quick Single Girl World Low-down of my internet dates... the good and the not so good!
1. The Teacher.... Who thought that Abba sung "Staying Alive" (don't even ask how we got round to that conversation) and continued to argue his case for about 20 minutes!!
2. DJ No Banter... A DJ with NO BANTER,  I honestly didn't laugh once. Nothing worse on a first date! I then went on a second date - just in case and it was worse. THEN, about 2 months later I saw him as I was out running he was on a bike and the only thing I could think to do was to hide in a bush! Brilliant!  
3. Two dates in one day... Okay, so it's bad to do this, but I had a busy week so scheduled 2 dates for one day. It's bad to do it for the simple reason that if you really like the first date (which I did) and the second date isn't that great, you are going to be absolutely gutted that you had to leave date number one!
4. Irish Man... He turned up 20 minutes late and his opening line was "I'm meeting my mate in an hour!" I wanted to reply with "Shall we not bother?!"
5. Irish Man Number 2: Who ended the date with "Ah come on I've seen 'The Valleys' (that awful MTV programme) I know how easy Welsh girls are..." There were no words for this comment, this was definitely a time where actions spoke louder and the action involved walking away!

It's pretty safe to say that I haven't had a lot of success with Online Dating, by a lot I mean none at all. Call me old fashioned but I think I prefer meeting people off-line (almost impossible in London!)
I've learned a lot from all my dates about what I'm looking for in a man,  and always have a funny story to tell, so I see it as a win, win situation! 

Lots of Love, 

J xxx

Thursday, 25 April 2013

The London Marathon 2013

Last weekend Single Girl World took a trip into central London to support all the runners in the 2013 Marathon. The Sun was beaming as we headed for the 25th mile!! We stood for 4 hours, shouting out peoples names and cheering them on! With only 1.4 miles left of the route, the runners were all in good spirits!! We even managed to spot Colin Jackson in the crowd interviewing runners !!

This year there were some amazing costumes and of course huge amounts of money being raised for incredible charities.

There is nothing better than shouting out one the runner's names and encouraging them on!! So much hard work, focus and commitment goes into preparing for the 26.4 miles around beautiful London!!! They have definitely inspired us to start running again and apply for a place in the 2014 Marathon. We cant wait to know how  it feels to cross that finish line with such a huge sense of achievement.

Congratulations to everyone who took part this year !!! Pop the kettle on and put your feet up!! You deserve it!!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Going Retro.

With thanks to the lovely folk at Truffle Shuffle we have been having a trip down memory lane. (They tweeted earlier about Mr Frosty remember that??)

Over lunch in the park we have been discussing our 90's favourites. Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane with these "blasts from the past"? 

1.       Music

Spice Girls: I’ll tell you what you want, what you really really want... and that was a pair of platform trainers or a union jack dress.

PJ and Duncan: Now more commonly known as Ant and Dec these two Geordie Lads knew how to bust a move!

Westlife: The sitting on stool and standing at the key change was an absolute winner for these Irish Lads.

Take That: Granted they look better now than they did back in the day, but these boys had songs that would get you dancing all night long.

B*Witched: You listen back to their lyrics and realise just how dodgy they were, but back in the day it was all about rocking the Double Denim!!!

5ive: “Everybody get up, singing 1...2...3...4... 5’ll make you get down now!!” We know the dance routine. Please tell us you do too!!


2.       Toys
Furbies: “Furbee bye, bye!” These little balls of fluff were the bane of all parents lives back in December 1998 (this is our rough guess on the year) as many of them had to queue to buy them over night. Only to find out that they were pretty annoying! (Mine always talked and NEVER slept anyone else?)
Pogs: We can’t really remember what the whole idea was behind POGS all we remember was swapping them in the school yard and if you had a shiny one you were the coolest kid in school!
Tamagotchi: The shear panic that you felt when you had forgotten to feed your tamigotchi! Remember that??
This is the current Furby.
3.       TV
SM:TV: Saturday Mornings were all about Ant and Dec and Cat Deeley... Chums and all your favourite cartoons! "9:45 on a saturday don't be a jiggly-puff ahhhh yeah!" (I was the only one who could remember this rhyme - please tell me someone else can!!) 
Arthur: “Everyday when your walking down the street...” Even when you got too old for this programme you would still rush home from school to watch it!! We are not ashamed to admit it!
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: We adored this programme and were so happy when she finally ended up with Harvey!!
The Queens Nose: Who had a 50p that they kept and thought was magic? Come on you can admit it, you're among friends - we did too!
Bernard’s Watch: Oh how we wanted one of those watches!!  We wonder how old Bernard is now??
The Demon Headmaster: We had an old boss who looked a little bit like him... we were petrified!!!
4.       Food
Ice Pops/ Jubblies: Any form of frozen juice was a must – no matter how cold it was!!!
Sunny D: Anyone else’s mum stop them from drinking it after the article about the kids that were turning orange?!
Opal Fruit: Ok we know that they are still around but Starburst just don’t taste the same!
Hubba Bubba: Need we say anymore?!
5.       Games
British Bull Dogs: This game got banned from J’s school... again we can’t remember the full rules just that it involved running and tackling people! We think we remember it being pretty vicious!
Kiss Chase or Torture: Do kids even play this anymore?!? Classic game to play on the school yard hoping that you’d get caught by the boy you liked!
Chinese Whispers: This game is STILL funny!!
Heads Up Thumbs Down: Everyone thought this game was great but really it was a way of teachers getting the class to be quiet for 5 minutes!
Wink Murder: The sheer thrill of being able to scream as loud as you wanted in school without getting in trouble... this is why this game was great!  
If you have ANY more to add to the list then PLEASE send it to us.... there's so much we missed out we know but we just couldn't fit it into one post! We're off now to find our My Little Pony Collection and watch Clarissa Explains It All while eating "Millions"!
Lots of 90's Love

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Easter Treats.

I love my little cousins, honestly I do. I don't get to see them very often and their laughter and joy for life really makes me smile.

I also REALLY LOVE being able to sit and eat my meal and have a big catch up with my older cousins! (I sound selfish I know but I do make time to speak to the kids too I promise!!)

This is why for the past 3 years I have been using my best Single Girl Tactics to ensure I get the best of both worlds. Time with my lovely, crazy, funny tiny cousins and guarenteed "grown-up" conversations!

How do I manage both I hear you say? What are your tactics? Well they are simple.... I bring along fun, cheap treats nothing too fancy just some table top gifts that the kids can use straight away.

This year I have created an easter "Lucky Dip" filled with goodies that even the adults can appreciate! I bought all the goodies from Sainsbury's (I've ONLY just realised how good Sainsbury's seasonal ranges are!!!)

So this Easter Sunday will go as follows...  I will arrive wearing bunny ears (I'll spare the family the Bridget Jones style leotard) and let the kids pick from the lucky dip, while they are busy playing with their winnings I will be catching up on all the gossip!!

I'll let you know if my plan pays off!!

Happy Easter Ladies!!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Ideal Home Show 2013

On Saturday I had a girly day out with my Mum and two Aunties, they had travelled to London from Wales to visit the Ideal Home Show (which is at Earl's Court)  and I decided to tag along.

Food, Home Improvements, Women and Interiors were just some of the sections the Show had to offer. The room was PACKED full of stalls with great ideas and bargains to be had (we definitely managed to pick up a few goodies for ourselves!)

One of my Favourite sections was the "Only Fools and Horses" refit. Which on one side was a replica of the Trotter's Peckham flat  and on the other side was a refit of the flat by George Clarke (I only managed to get pictures of Del Boy and Rodney's Flat as it was PACKED!!)

 Another Brilliant find was a chair by Kelly Swallow, I've been checking out her work since seeing her chair on Saturday and I am in LOVE with her designs!! I cannot wait until I have a house of my own so I can buy one of her BEAUTIFUL chairs.

Other great bits to see included the food section - there were some seriously delicious foods on offer, and some stalls selling BRILLIANT food gadgets. We managed to walk aways with a zillion different cheeses, so I am currently trying to plan a Cheese and Wine night!!!

All in all the Ideal Home Show is a great day out, we laughed all day and managed to grab a drink and rest our weary feet... I'd definitely suggest wearing comfy shoes because there is plenty of walking to be done!!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Breakfast Blog: The Delaunay Counter

Our mum's always tell us that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and we couldn't agree more.
So we have made it our mission to find some of the best breakfasts in London! It's a hard mission but someone has to do it!!
We are starting our #breakfastblog in Central London, picking places at random and trying what they have to offer.

First up was The Delaunay Counter, which was absolute breakfast bliss! It's beautiful decor makes for a perfect breakfast getaway for a quiet morning catch up.

We both had the sausage sandwich with a cup of tea (it was so tasty) and followed breakfast up with a delicious dessert (it was past midday by this point -honest).

The Delaunay Counter is definitely somewhere we would visit again, great food, great service all for a reasonable price! It's also the perfect place to take family for a treat!!

Our breakfast cost £8.75 each for a sausage sandwich, cup of tea and a dessert and we think it was great value for money! We could of happily sat there all day!!

Check it out - let us know what you thought!!

SGW xx

Friday, 22 February 2013

Online Dating: The Funny things Men say....

We've posted about Online Dating a few times before, pictures, messages, dates and the  "funny things men say...."

So here's the second batch of weird and crazy messages I get sent by men, reading them all together makes me wonder why on earth I have an online dating profile!!

Guys, if you're reading these and have sent a message similar to these, firstly STOP because your not going to get  a date!! Secondly... Thanks - They really made me laugh!!

"How much would you charge for me to buy some of your used underwear?"

I was absolutely gobsmacked by this one... I replied saying that there was no chance I'd sell my used underwear. He replied with "Really? I pay well!". I stopped replying... although I was really intrigued to know how much her would offer!!!

"Beauty with Natural."

This was all I got. Just this sentence. Don't think you can even call it a sentence really. I didn't bother to reply to this one!

"i had to just tell you your eyes are so dreamy theu are beautiful i mean it..."

Everyone loves a bit of flattery.... but grammar is also great. Capital "I" is an important lesson that you learn in primary school. Come on boys!!
"Ready for a serious relationship, willing to try something new."

WOW!! Hello Mr Full on!!! I know it's an online dating site but chill out a little bit!

"Hi/ Hello/ Hiyaz Babezzz/ Hey Sexi/ Hi Honey/ Hi there"  

Any form of the use Hello as a singular message is an immediate ignore from me. If I choose to send a message to a guy, I look at his profile and pick something out to message about. Just saying "Hi" is such a poor effort!!! 

"I'd crawl through cut glass just to smell one of your farts!"

This one made me howl. I'm sure it's supposed to be a funny/ cheesy chat up line! But mentioning "farts" straight away probably won't work well with all girls!!

"Excuse me I'm lost, I need directions."

You're not lost though are you? You are probably just sat in your bedroom... I know what you're trying to do, you are TRYING to use a cheesy chat up line. Cheesy chat up lines only work in person not online!

Guys.... Just a few tips on sending messages to girls online.
You've seen how not to do it, now here are a few tips on ways to send a good message.

1. Be yourself. Online dating is already a really weird concept, so just be yourself!
2. Don't just say "Hi" put in a bit of effort!!!
3. Don't try to be too funny.... sometimes wit and humour don't come across well typed up!
4. Don't send more than one message if you don't get a reply... "There's plenty more fish on the Internet!"

Happy online dating girls. If you get any crazy messages please do share!!!

J xx

Tower Of London.

If you have little ones, or just love exploring London and it's history then I suggest you head to the Tower of London.
I visited it this week with my little cousins (aged 5 and 9) and we all absolutely loved it! (I was way more excited than the kids.)
It's quite expensive, but well worth the money. It took us over 5 hours to explore and enjoy the Tower and surrounding grounds (like I said well worth the money).
There was so much to see that if I wrote about it all my post would be mamouth so I've selected a few of my favourtie bits from the day.
The "Beefeater" tour, is brilliant you get lead around by a Yeoman Warder who is full of brilliant facts and stories about the tower. The best thing I learnt all day was that the "Beefeaters" live in the grounds of the Tower. How cool would that be???? My address is... SGW The Tower of London, London!!
Obviously another favourite of mine was the Crown Jewels, I obviously don't have pictures of them but they are AMAZING and shiny and sparkly and glittery and dazzling and blingy!! (okay I'll stop now but I literally have not seen anything like it before - any engagement ring I see from now on will never ever compare!!)
The "Hands on History" section in the White Tower was perfect for kids, my cousins loved being able to FINALLY touch something in the Tower, and even I enjoyed trying out some of the games!

The buildings and grounds are beautiful, I've added a few pictures to show you all how beautiful they are. What I loved the most was that you have this increble old building and just behind it you have the Shard and the London Skyline poking up!!!

A real fun day out for any age, there are a lot of windy staircases in some of the Towers, although the Tower of London does has access facilities.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Love J xxx

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

If you like PiƱa Colada....

.... And getting caught in the rain?!

We love a good night out here at SGW and we love a good cocktail too!! So we've picked 5 of our favourite places to go for a great cocktail in the Covent Garden and Piccadilly Circus area of London!!

1. Roadhouse.

With it's eclectic mix of American signs and memorabilia Roadhouse is a quirky mix of American Diner meets nightclub! Their fast paced bar staff serve yummy cocktails! Roadhouse has a brilliant mix of live music and dance floor hits!

SGW Favourite Cocktail: Banana Colada!!

2. Henry's

If you want a delicious cocktails and a chilled atmosphere Henry's  is the place to go. A perfect place to sit back and gossip after a long day shopping with the girls!

SGW Favourite Cocktail: Piazza Passion!!

3. Browns.

A brilliant start to a night out! Browns is classy but affordable and has an amazing cocktail list!!

SGW Favourite Cocktail: Strawberry Chocolate Martini!!

4. Criterion

In the heart of Piccadilly Circus, chose the Criterion to celebrate your special occasions. This beautiful restaurant has a small seating area in their bar. Treat yourself to one of their wonderful cocktails!

SGW Favourite Cocktail: Criterion Safari!!

5. Grace Bar.

Grace Bar has an AMAZING happy hour between the hours of 5-7pm where you can get great cocktails for half price - we'll say no more!!!!

SGW Favourite Cocktail: Raspberry Beret!!

With Love

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Best Friends.

I'm very fortunate to have some wonderful, wonderful friends. I call them my "London Family." They are the sort of people that laugh at my jokes, tease me for the silly things I say, know when behind my smile I'm sad, and are always able to make me laugh not matter how bad the situation is!

I'm also very fortunate to be working on SGW with my Best Friend.She'll hate this for being all soppy but I just felt like today is the perfect day to do this post. You see, tomorrow is the day that T returns to London Town. You might have noticed that our posts have been from London and USA over the past couple of months and that's because T has been on an adventure! She's had a wonderful time and we have missed her dearly and tomorrow she returns and her "London Family" couldn't be more pleased!

It's funny but you don't realise just how much you rely on a person until you don't get to speak to them everyday! T is our advice giver, our straight talker, our makes us howl with laughter best friend and boy, oh boy have we missed her!!

The "London Family" went out for dinner the other week and all agreed that when one person was missing the family just didn't work right, so we will be glad to have her back to complete the jigsaw!

I cannot wait to hear all about her adventures when she gets back to London, I'm sure she'll have some crazy stories to tell us... and we have a few to share with her (brace yourself T)!

So I know this was a soppy post... but it's Valentine's Day and you are supposed to tell the people you love just how much they mean to you! So to my London Family, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to be your friend, you are all truly wonderful people!

With Love
J xxx

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Cheesy Chat Up Lines

We've all heard them (and some of us have probably used them a few times too) those awful, toe curling, totally Cheesy Chat Up Lines!

Well this Valentine's Day we are challenging all you Single Girls (and Guys if you're reading) to try one out and see if it works. 

That's right we want you to choose a Cheesy Chat Up Line and say it to a total stranger - what's the worst that can happen? We'll be doing it too and tweeting all about it on Valentine's Night. If you want to join in then #cheesychatupline to let us know how you get on!! 

Here's a list of SGW favourites that you can choose from (or invent your own, but if you do please share it with us!!!)

1. How much does a Polar Bear weigh? Enough to break the ice! 

2. Kiss me if I'm wrong but isn't your name Hubert/ Gretchen? (and then hope that their name isn't Hubert or Gretchen because that would be AWKWARD!) 

3. I bet you £10 you're going to turn me down!! (Nobody wants to loose money!!)

4. I'm new to town could I have directions to your house please? (This one absolutely cracks me up!) 

5. Nice suit, it'd look good on my bedroom floor! 

6. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past again? 

7. Here's 10p go and call your mum and tell her you won't be home tonight! (Classic line although I am sure it costs more than 10p to make a call now!!)  

8. I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours instead?

9. There must be something wrong with my eyes,I just can't take them off you!!

10.Is your father a thief? Because someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

11. If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?

12. My magic watch/ bag/ necklace tells me that you haven't got any underwear on.... (I have) Oh well it must be an hour fast then!

13. Do you have any raisins? Oh well how about a date then?!

14. Do you want to play a game? Okay pick a number between 1 and 5 (3?) Sorry you lost, you're going to have to take ALL your clothes off! 

15. I think there's something wrong with my phone, could you call it for me to check it works!! 

Well Girls (and guys), you mission has been set.... go enjoy being single this Valentine's and let us know how you get on!! 

Love SGW


Follow us on Twitter @misssinglegirl for live #cheesychatupline updates

Monday, 11 February 2013

Why we LOVE Valentine's Day!

We know what you're thinking!

Single Girl World loving the day that is all about loved up couples?! Well, girls it's true... we really do love Valentine's Day!!

We refuse to join the legions of single people who complain and moan about being alone on Valentine's Day... or who claim it's a pointless day.

Here at SGW we have embraced the day and turned it into a Friend-Fest! We have an annual "Get-Together" with all of our single friends (soem of our loved-up friends have even showed up before now!)

Last year we had a good old fashioned girly party (with alcohol thrown in for good measure) yummy food, cakes, party games (think "Dream phone" and "Snog, Marry, Avoid")

SGW doesn't see the point in sulking about being Single on Valentine's Day - you're single for every otther day what makes Valentine's Day so different?

So embrace all the things you LOVE about being single, and celebrate them on Valentine's Day! Celebrate the fact that you have awesome friends and the fact that you don't have to try and "Out-Romance" other couples on the 14th!

Laugh, drink and be Merry.... Girls you know you want too!!!

This year we are putting our glad-rags on and heading out for a night of live music. We plan to use bad chat up lines on boys, my favourite is:

"Are you in pain? It must've hurt like hell falling from heaven!"

Will do a post tomorrow featuring all the best chat up lines to use on boys.... If you have any please send them our way!!

With Love

SGW xxx

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Rugby 6 Nations: Women's Tournament.

With all the press about the 6 Nations Rugby Tournament, it's easy to forget that there is a Women's Tournament going on too.... Mainly because it never gets mentioned!

Here's the latest results from the Women's Tournament (taken from the official RBS 6 Nations Website)

Wishing and Dreaming...

Cold, Winters day,
Please go away.
My Sun come out to play....
As you can see I've had enough of the cold, I love winter really I do but I REALLY need a bit of sun now please!
Does anyone feel the same? I worked out yesterday that I've not been on holiday in 5 years!
This year I am definately changing that... SGW is going on holiday! Anyone have any ideas as to where we should go?!

Friday, 8 February 2013

The GlamGlow Mud Mask Review !

One of my favorite beauty products is a good old face mask! You cannot not beat that completely clean feeling! I have always purchased the mud masks that are suitable for one use and normally go for the peel off type.

So recently on a beauty shopping trip I heard all the girls raving about this new Super mud mask called GlamGlow.
So of course I had to give it a go !

I was lucky enough to get a sample at Sephora. I always think its best to try the product before you buy.
The sample provided enough for one full even mask, which was great!

I have quite sensitive skin so the beautician suggested that I left the mask on for 15 minutes max to see how my skin took to it !

The mask was very easy to apply and I'm sure it smells like licorice !! Well it did to me!
As it dried you could visually see it working on my pores as the mask darkened around my problem areas.

After 15 minutes I washed the mask off and my skin looked fresh and clean. It also left my cheeks really soft !
It dried out any spots without irritating them or the surrounding area.

I think it's brilliant that it can be used as a full mask or just to work on certain areas. It would be great to see what it could do over time, after a course of applying it once a week for a month for example.

I really liked this product and would use it again.
The only draw back for me is the price ! At £44.99, it's out of my price range. However, if you can afford it, get a sample first and give it a go!

I've also told the other half of Single Girl World to give it a go ! So she may have a completely different review !

Marks out of 10 on the GlamGlow Super Mud Mask

Packaging - 7
Advertising - 9
Information given on product - 9
Product Performance - 10
Price - 6
Value for money - 8

Single Girl World xxx

Saturday, 2 February 2013

6 Nations Rugby.

It's that time of year again, the 6 Nations Tournament is here and we couldn't be more excited. For any of you out there that aren't too sure what the 6 Nations are then here's your quick down low...

There is men's tournament and a women's tournament as well as an under 21's. (Keep checking the blog for our posts on the players in the women's tournament.)

The 6 Nations is a Rugby Tournament, the format of which is simple each team plays every other team once (they alternate home games every other year!)

The 6 Teams included in the Tournament are: England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland and Wales.

Points are awarded to the teams as follows:
2 points for a win
1 point for a draw
0 points for a loss
Unlike other tournaments there is NO BONUS point in the 6 Nations,

If a team wins each game this is called a GRAND SLAM (England holds the record for the no. of Grand Slams won.)

The TRIPLE CROWN is played for by the "Home Nations". It's where one team takes victor over the other three.

There are other trophies that are played for between individual teams, and at the end of the tournament the team in last place gets the figurative WOODEN SPOON.

Wales won last year with a GRAND SLAM (their THIRD in the space of 8 years.)

In the game of rugby:
A try is awarded 5 points
A conversion (kicked after a try) is awarded 2 points
and a penalty is awarded 3 points

But who will win this year? Here at SGW we have done a little predicting.... and for the first time EVER we are letting a boy be on the Blog, we are predicting against J's brother to see who gets it right!!!

SGW Predict....

1. Wales to beat Ireland in the dying minutes.  (27 - 25)
2. England to beat Scotland (27- 20)
3 France to beat Italy ( 28-10)

J's Brother Predicts....
1. Wales to beat Ireland (25-20)
2. England to beat Scotland in the dying minutes (19-17)
3. France to Beat Italy (22-10)

We hope you enjoy the 6 Nations as much as we do... keep checking back for more on the women's rugby and check out our twitter for tweets about the games and our Man of the Match predictions (and no we aren't just going to pick the hottest one HONEST!!!)


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Online Dating !! A little advice for Men !

So Guys we have checked out some online dating sites and whether you want to take note or not, here is some advice from Single Girl World !

First up ! The Pictures !!

Good -

1. Nice photos of you doing something you enjoy. For example your hobbies! Rock climbing, playing in your band ! Whatever it is, show her you have a life!

2. A picture of your face! Smiling ! It's that simple !

3. A photo of you looking your best! For example at a wedding! All suited and booted!

4. A photo to represent you !!

Right here come the DON'TS !

No club photos if you are completely off your face! Not attractive!

No tropical animals! This includes snakes and parrots! A picture with your dog, is perfect !

No 'just your torso shot'! It's always good to know you have a face!

No aggressive 'Eminem' lookalike's.

Don't put up 5 pictures of you and the same group of lads! How are we suppose to know which one is you.

Always put up at least one photo ! It's really unlikely a girl is going to like a profile that hasn't got a photo! It's suspicious !

That's it guys !
Step 1 Complete !
Next up - Your Tag line !

SGW xxxx

My Kryptonite

Most would say I'm quite a tough cookie, even recently a fortune teller suggested I be more open to love !!
Now don't get me wrong I am a loving person but when comes to relationships, in quite guarded.
Then out of nowhere, like a punch in the face, my Kryptonite arrives.
The one guy who manages to get right under my skin and knocks me for six!

Now of course, it's never smooth sailing. He most definitely isn't Prince Charming and he didn't sweep me off my feet. In fact there was absolutely nothing 'Fairytale' about this 'Romance,' not even remotely. Without my permission he managed to take over a tiny space of my heart and unfortunately a bigger part of my brain, which is so frustrating!

It's incredibly hard to not get caught up in it all and you can't help the way you feel about somebody. The worse bit about it is that he is oblivious to the whole ordeal.

It would be so much easier to be able talk about it, to at least try and make some sense of it. However he is with someone, so that's not an option nor is it fair.

So this year on Valentines Day, I've made a deal with Cupid! It doesn't have to be urgent, it doesn't have to be in the near future but it does have to be simple!
Just two people who can fall head over heels in Love! Just in the good old fashioned fairytale way and live happily ever after !


A Big Thank You !!

Hey !!!
Just a quick message to Thank you all so much for checking out our blog over the last year !!! We did it !! Happy 1st birthday Single Girl World !! Thank you for support, here's to many more years !

SGW xxxxx

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Burns Night at The Grove Balham

Here at SGW we have friends from many parts of the UK and further afield, and this post is dedicated to our wonderful Scottish Friends.
We had heard about Burns night, but had never actually been to one. So this year we decided to change that!

Last night I headed to The Grove Balham with two friends(one of them is Scottish) and ate my first ever haggis! I wasn't sure how I’d feel about it but it was absolutely delicious, My Scottish friend said that it was as good as the one she got back home (Gold Star to the Chef at The Grove.)


That wasn't all the Grove had to offer... they also had a bagpipe player, who was AMAZING!!! I now want to learn how to play!

Before going to the Burn’s night I researched what Burn’s night was and what to expect (okay I say research but I really mean googled).My googling told me that I should expect to celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns with Haggis and Whiskey. The Grove didn’t disappoint I’ve already mentioned the delicious Haggis, they followed this up with Whiskey tasting with Ronnie!!
This was my favourite part of the night not only because I got to laugh at the girls as they tried and failed to drink the whiskey, but we learned all there was to know about Scotch Whiskey with thanks to Ronnie.Number one being NEVER drink the house Scotch and number two being Glenlivet is officially my favourite Whiskey!

It was our first visit to The Grove and we have already planned our next. The decor is amazing (the booth we were sat in was so beautiful) and the staff are so friendly, if you are near the Balham area I would definitely pop in, it’s the perfect place for Sunday Lunch with the family or quiet drinks with the girls... or dare I say it a First Date!

A big thank you to everyone at The Grove for a lovely Burns Night!!!
With Love from London,
J xx
p.s.  For anyone that doesn’t know Robert Burns (or as the Scots would say Rabbie Burns) is a famous Scottish Poet who was born and lived in Ayrshire and you can go and visit his home whenever you  want   (well that’s what my Scottish Friend told me)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

St Dwynwen's Day.

Tomorrow (25th January) is St Dwynwen's day, so before the Welshies hit twitter to wish everyone a "Happy St Dwynwen's Day" I thought I'd give all you non- Welsh Folk a low-down on what the day is. 

St Dwynwen is the Welsh Saint of Love... So technically St Dwynwen's day is the Welsh Valentine's Day. 

As with much Welsh History the Story of St Dwynwen was passed down by word of mouth and so has an element of folktale about it. 
I remember learning the story in school and then later reading a more graphic version which wasn't as pretty and romantic. I'm going to share with you the "pretty, romantic" version of my childhood.....

Dwynwen fell in love with a man named Maelon, but her father had already arranged for her to marry someone else. Dwynwen was heart broken (as you can imagine she had met the love of her life!!!!) So she begged God to help her forget Maelon (we've all been there let's face it). She fell asleep and was visited by an Angel who brought a Sweet Potion made to help Dwynwen forget all about Maelon and turn him to a block of ice!!!! Legend has it that God then granted her 3 wishes (some say she prayed for them after seeing what happened to Maelon). Her first wish was that Maelon be thawed (what a girl), her second wish was that, through her God look after all true lovers, and the third was that she never married!!

It is then said that she retreated to the solitude of Llanddwyn Island and became a hermit until she died. 

So there you have it Ladies, no more sitting and pondering about what the Welsh "hashtag" trending is.... it's nothing more than a Welsh Love Story!!

From London, with Love

The Search for "Happy Ever After".

I'm not ashamed to admit that this week Adele has been on full blast, followed by Taylor Swift. I've eaten mountains of chocolate and been selective in who I speak to - choosing to weep in my own self pity.... The reason?
It's obvious isn't it, there's only one reason someone would listen to that many sad songs on repeat and eat that much chocolate when she is trying to be healthy and that reason is a boy!!!! 

I am a self confessed "Heart on my sleeve" sort of girl, and I've always liked that about myself. Until now, this week after a disastrous date (the less said about it the better) I have decided that wearing my heart on my sleeve is the worst thing ever. It's like being Alice in Wonderland and following the White Rabbit into the hole. Your head is telling you that this is a ridiculous idea but your heart... your heart is tugging you into the hole, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. 

You know all the right things to say when someone else is going through the same thing, but when it comes to you and your love life you do a brilliant impression of an ostrich, you bury your head in the sand so that you don't hear the advice your friends are giving you.
You just don't want to hear them utter those AWFUL, AWFUL words... "He's Just Not That Into You!” Those words rip through your romantic heart and tear all of your daydreams in two; you’d rather believe that he’s busy/ ill or missing in dating action than face the truth that he just isn’t that into you.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who knows without a doubt that my friends are right, but just can’t shake the feeling that this boy will be the one, the Prince Charming that Disney has been promising ever since I watched Sebastian and the other sea creatures surround Ariel and Eric and sing “Kiss the Girl”?

Well , this week I have been doing my best ever Ostrich impersonation, and have been refusing to listen to my friends very sensible advice (sorry friends) instead choosing to wallow in my own self pity, sit in my onesie and eat chocolate (which really does not help at all!!!)

It’s just today after waking up and reading T’s lovely post about kissing frogs that I have FINALLY come to my senses. I have the most wonderful friends and family, I have a laughter filled life that I absolutely cherish. So why dear Single Girls would I waste it looking round corners for Prince Charming, I've come to realise that a guy isn't going to change my life in the slightest, I will still have my friends and family and I will still be laughing, so why waste time searching for this happily ever after for my, when I have a Happy Present?

I've decided that for now I won’t chase that Happy Ever After, I will let it chase me....

Lots of Love J xxxxx